If Andy Hei's optimism proves to be true, then I guess there is a silver lining to our current global market crisis. Hei is an antique-funiture dealer by trade and is the "organizer of the Hong Kong International Arts and Antiques Fair" , which will be held for four days starting October 4. Many galleries are said to have signed up for the event and it will be carrying various artworks, a lot of which priced at millions of dollars. Hei said that he has seen worse days for the art community, citing the SARS outbreak in 2003 and another market crisis that happened in 1998. Some of the galleries which will be featured in the HongKong event would be Christie's International and Sotheby's, "New York-based Carlton Rochell Ltd. and Sundaram Tagore Gallery, Shinseido- Hatanaka Art Gallery and Hong Kong's Hanart TZ Gallery." Japanese artist Yoshitomo Nara's HK$18 million will also be shocased in the said event.
ORIGINAL ARTICLE and PHOTO: http://www.bloomberg.com/apps/news?pid=20601088&sid=a0vCFWmklUnY&refer=muse
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