Monday, September 1, 2008

Amy Winehouse look-a-like

Amy WinehouseI saw this photo on and it reminded me of the music artist, Amy Winehouse. This model has the teased/poof hair with a similar eyeliner as Amy. Amy sets off a rebellious look that only some can pull off. This model above did a job well done at it. From the structure of her face to what she's wearing, she sets a vibe to not mess with her. The photo itself was very urban and the lighting made this model stand out. The first thing I thought was "Rehab." And when I see Amy Winehouse in this model, I don't mean it in a bad way. Although Amy has some issues with herself, she still inspires such style to a model and his/her photographer. The photographer named this picture, "My name...Just a Stranger." You could obviously tell that the photographer made her a little paler than an average person, but you are supposed to see her a stranger. The photographer used simple colors and added simple props in the background. It just shows you don't need a lot to made a person STAND OUT. There is such beauty to this picture that gives a calm feeling and it's easy on the eyes.

Want to see more of this artists work?
Artist's page

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