Saturday, August 9, 2008

Todd Schorr: a new breed of artist

Schorr is considered as one of the more significant figures in what is called the Lowbrow movement. defines it as "a widespread populist art movement with origins in the underground comix world, punk music, hot-rod street culture, and other subcultures." But as I would describe it, Lowbrow is like the grunge movement of the visual arts. Its appeal oddly derives from its unpolished, rough, and , messy nature. Schorr's prominence in the Los-Angeles based movement can be seen in his works such as "A Pirate Treasure's Dream" a 2006 painting which meshes various oddities and animals in one beautifully chaotic masterpiece.

Schorr is a product of the Philadelphia College of Art and has had his works published in topnotch publications such as Time Magazine, and the New York Times. He currently resides with his spouse in Beverly Hills, California.

As would be expected, Todd Schorr's artistic endeavors had stirred him toward some controversies. Of prominent note was an incident in Florida, where one of his works called "Clash of Holidays" had outraged some civil leaders, claiming that he had disrespected religious icons. (To give you an idea, the work contained Santa Claus and the Easter Bunny slugging it out)But hey, that's all-American free expression for you. And as far as I'm concerned, I think Mr. Schorr deserves attention from all you buffs out there. I consider his work is a fresh splash to the visual arts world.

Todd Schorr's website:
Photo Source

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