Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Post It Note Reading

Post-it notes. Ah, yes, you know what I'm talking about. Those little square colored pieces of paper that are used... well as notes--a reminder tool used to help us remember what we're suppose to do or just a piece of paper to write things on. They're extremely useful but at times when we've got post it notes hanging everywhere even on our foreheads... we wonder what else on earth can we do with this office supply.

Well, Arthur Jones knew what else he could do with Post-It notes. Being stuck in a cubicle for a day job, Jones occupied his time by creating "artwork" out of his office supplies. From a rubber band ball to a mouse made out of masking tape, Jones eventually found himself drawing pictures on post-it notes with a sharpie.

Five years later, Jones has transformed his favorite time-kill activity into a full-fledged obsession. He has created the Post-It Note Reading series, where writers read their original stories, while corresponding illustrations drawn entirely on Post-It Notes are projected behind them.

Interesting hey? Well, you can check out more of this wonderful post-it story at

1 comment:

J. Tania Stylianos said...

Very creative website you have!
I wished I had developed the 'Post-It' note reading series. Pretty clever idea there.