Tuesday, August 5, 2008


I few days ago, I had decided to go to my local CVS to buy some a pack of Polaroid film (which, if you haven't heard already, Polaroid has discontinued producing). Regardless, the CVS down the hill from my home still carried this new novelty product and I was extremely ecstatic to hear of this. However, when I reached the aisle that contained my beloved films, CVS had boosted up the price from 12.99 - 19.99. Of course, this price was ridiculously expensive... thus, out of the question. Saddened, I drove back home with empty hands.

The past few days I have been thinking about photography and film cameras. This made me think of Lomography. If you know about Lomography, good. If you don't, well... let me explain quickly. They make plastic cameras that create various effects on the film (depending on which item you buy). People love it for that vintage feel of overexposed film... well, at least, that is why I love Lomo cameras.

The best way to experience Lomography is to check out their website. Here you go.

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