Friday, July 25, 2008

Opinion: LACMA's BCAM vs MoCA's ...MoCA

MOCA, Grand Ave.LACMA on Whilshire Blvd

Currently, I am staying in the city of angels, also known as Los Angeles. In this great city filled with it's many famous (insert whatever you want here), LA is truely something, especially when it comes to the art world.

This past year, I was an active museum goer. I was a member of the Los Angeles County Museum of Arts (LACMA) and also a member of the Museum of Contemporary Art (MoCA). LACMA seems stronger when it comes to its facilities, installations, collection, and it's touring exhibits; however, MoCA does have some strenghts (like this year they had an exhibition on Murakami, Japan's beloved POP artist). The best part about these two museums is there collection. They've got the most famous 19th century artists like Picasso, Van Gogh, Margritte, etc. etc. and also the 20th century contemporary artists like Robert Rauschenberg, Andy Warhol, Jeff Koons, etc. etc.

If gas weren't so expensive, I would have continued my membership for both museums-but gas is still expensive, so I didn't. But if you live in this area or are visiting for vacation, be sure to check these two museums out.

Visit LACMA or/and MOCA.

1 comment:

DineometerDeb said...

Thanks so much for visiting and rating my blog!

I am a fan of art blogs so will check back often.