Saturday, October 11, 2008

08's most underrated underdog

If there was an award for the "best underdog category", I would give it to former Republican presidential candidate Ron Paul. This guy has been underestimated in every way possible. Nobody listened to him when he was warning us about inflation and the Fed and all the flag signs he raised in our economic and monetary system. And look where we are now. He also spoke of pulling our troops out of every corner of the world, and his "conservative" counterparts blasted him. And look where we are now. This guy has truly been underestimated. But hey, I'll leave the brunt of the political commenataries to the pundits.

What I am amused about is the iconic status reached by Ron Paul's campaign. I recently read an article over at the New York Times how graphic designers have been creating and recreating banners and logos for Ron Paul and his "Revolution". And believe me, a lot of these logos are pretty dope. If you did not know Ron Paul is a 72 year old congressman from Texas, you'd think people are nominating him for an MTV award. No politican form the conservative spectrum has in recent memory stirred up support from younger generations, much less artists. Rep. Paul may not have clinched the GOP nomination, but sure did accomplish a lot this year.


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