Saturday, September 13, 2008

Beautiful garbage

Naples, Italy has gained a bad rap for stinking lately. I mean, um, literally. So terrible is its garbage problem that it has garnered the attention of the world media. It is news like that that makes me feel less worse about the clutter in my room.

Painter Liu Xiaodong has apparently seen something so striking in Naples' dilemma that prodded him to pack his paint brush and canvas and head off to Italy. Xiaodong, as with many artists, are filled with idealism and and inquisitiveness. According to Time Magazine, Xiaodong's works has dealt "with the consequences of modernity, depicting the forgotten faces of peasants in the Tibetan desert, or families displaced by the rising waters of the massive Three Gorges damn project. He's also done portraits of prostitutes in Thailand, and high school students in Boston." Naples is just the newest addition to his social consciousness. According to him, he is puzzled that a country in such a developed continent could have a seemingly mundane problem as garbage disposal. And so, for six days, he and his staff of eight toiled amidst prospects of mild diseases and even intrusion my local mafia groups in order to capture the image of Naples, Italy' stinking reality.

ORIGINAL ARTICLE:,8599,1840280,00.html?xid=rss-topstories

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